COVID-19 - Client Safety

COVID-19 - Latest Update


Following the latest COVID-19 announcement from HM Government which takes effect from Monday the 19th July 2021, in order to protect the health of all my clients, I will continue to ensure that I am following the latest Government guidelines and advice. I will carry on taking the following precautions: -

  1. Masks are to be worn at all times whilst I am in your home.

  2. I wear the appropriate PPE equipment at all times.

  3. All of my hairdressing equipment is fully sanitised before it is used on every individual customer.

These precautions will continue to be used until the guidelines and advice are changed by the Government.

I appreciate that these are difficult times and you may be feeling anxious about inviting me into your homes, but if you have any worries or concerns at all, then please do not hesitate to contact me so that I can put your mind at rest. All of my contact details can be found in the Contact section.